Trauma Counselling

Trauma counselling in Sans Souci helping you feel safe and empowered in your life and relationships.

Trauma impacts the body and brain and is a natural response to a life threatening and overwhelming situation or series of events. You deserve to feel safe, calm and confident in clarity of thought. A therapist with sensitivity in Sans Souci. I’ll help you feel safe and build trust toward and support you in your relationships. Start your journey towards healing.

You believe you are damaged by the event or events you’ve experienced and you think this is a permanent way to live and can never feel safe again.

Your thinking and state of being is overwhelmed, which is expressed as disorganised and fragmented, recounting events is hard and patchy making it difficult to process meaning.

You’re on high alert or feel flat, in a state where you’re easily triggered and don’t know what to do, it seems that middle ground to respond is not available.

What you want is safety, to feel safe in your thoughts, emotions and relationships to support yourself and soothe yourself when feeling distressed.

As your counsellor, therapy can help you learn tools and strategies to cope, develop resilience and process what’s difficult toward a more fulfilling and enriching life.

Signs and symptoms of Trauma

  • You push people away and feel relationships are not to be trusted and are too hard to navigate.
  • You fear people and are in protective mode to not get hurt again.
  • You’re irrational, overthinking, and catastrophizing, which sends you spiraling and feeling stuck.
  • Your physical health is impacted, and you feel exhausted about your life.
  • You feel shame and embarrassment about who you are as a person.
  • You find it hard to soothe yourself in stressful situations.
  • You can’t get close to people because you fear they will reject or abandon you.
  • Your body lets you down, and you can’t manage your thoughts and feelings.
  • It’s hard to set boundaries or identify what you need, and you feel at the mercy of the environment.

A tranquil and more soothing life awaits you

As your counsellor, I’ll gently show you ways to reconnect with who you are, restore your identity so that you can feel safe towards yourself. When you feel safe, you’ll be confident to be yourself. When you can be yourself, you’ll feel connect to people and safe in relationships.

As more of you unfolds, others will want to connect with you. You’ll feel whole again, and more fulfilled and happier. You’ll be stronger. When problems arise in your life, you’ll have the confidence to face them. You’ll know that you’re resilient enough to prevent chaos and disorganisation.

As an experienced counsellor, I can help you;

To connect to your true self and identity

Manage your body, sensations and emotions with confidence

Feel connected in your relationship with yourself and others

Understand and implement self-care for yourself

Build confidence and trust and set goals for your future

Feel resilient and make sense of your experience and the world

All of the above and more are possible when you work with me in therapy face-to-face or online.

I understand that it is a challenge to think your life can be different. If you are experiencing hardship you don’t need to suffer reach out and seek support.